Oat bran

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The oat bran that we use...

Technical data sheet:

Organic oat
Avena sativa bran
: 84012-26-0Taste
: typical, light nutty taste, not bitterColor
light brown flakeSmell
Certified by Bureau Veritas Certification France / FR-BIO 10Origin
: GermanySupplier


Composition & description

The oat bran is the envelope of the oat grain (ed. note: oat flakes are produced from the grain). Known since antiquity, it seems that oats were only very late used for human food, its uses being first strictly medicinal or reserved for animal feed. Oats contain fatty acids; they are rich in vitamin B1 and B5 (which stimulate blood microcirculation) and in trace elements (Zinc, iron and vitamin E which is antioxidant, magnesium, phosphorus...). It is also a good source of starch.
Unlike most cereals, oats do not have their grains in ears, but in panicles.


Emollient, softening, exfoliating, anti-oxidant, soothing In
cosmetics, oats are used in different forms (plant milk, bran or powdered oats...) for the body and hair, especially in conditioner. Its absorption qualities give it cleansing properties as it absorbs impurities present on the skin's surface. Used as an exfoliant, it eliminates dead skin and other residues, thus freeing the pores. Oatmeal is a very gentle active ingredient that soothes the irritations of sensitive or atopic skin. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a poultice to treat scabies, leprosy and other itchy skin conditions.
It is suitable for all skin types but is particularly recommended for sensitive and mature skin. It is also used in hair care to strengthen the roots and prevent hair loss.

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